Using computer vision and machine learning to provide cheaper and more sustainable clothing alternatives.
Using computer vision and machine learning to provide cheaper and more sustainable clothing alternatives.
Stock AI
Python program which predicts short term changes in a given stock price developed by training a linear regression model with TensorFlow
Python program which predicts short term changes in a given stock price developed by training a linear regression model with TensorFlow
Intuitive management application to help you track grocery consumption before expiration
Intuitive management application to help you track grocery consumption before expiration
Chrome extension which allows the user to indicate what websites they would like denied access to until all of the goals in their to-do list has been checked off
Chrome extension which allows the user to indicate what websites they would like denied access to until all of the goals in their to-do list has been checked off
UW Open Rooms
Web app that allows students to see open study rooms on UW campus customized to consider location, student reviews, availability, and more!
Web app that allows students to see open study rooms on UW campus customized to consider location, student reviews, availability, and more!